An update to the previous one. A plan exists to turn King William Street into an "Art Walk" modelled on the one in Rochester NY. The layout looks nice, the mood semi-optimistic, and supposedly an initiative involving Arts Hamilton, the City of Hamilton, and "local businesses." Arts Hamilton has never had major clout. The city runs hot with plans but cold with execution. The local businesses? Amity-Goodwill on one end, the derelict Lister block (that the city can't find the means or the will to preserve) at the other. The main cop shop and a nursing home in the middle; and lots of empty parking lots.
A five-block long barge with no anchors. But, it does have high-end Theater Aquarius and community centered Skydragon.
I can hardly wait.
1 comment:
Good morning Jefferson,
King William is a very central location and easily accessible for those who live in the downtown core. I really liked what Rochester has done and am optomistic that Hamilton can do the same. If the will is strong, than it can be done with lots of hard work. Bye the way, Amity-Goodwill store is gone now up to the Mountain area somewhere. As for the Lister Block, it is a great shame that it has been allowed to be such an eyesore for such a long time. I can only speak about 5 years of time that I know. It gives the downtown core a very sad and forlorn look along with other buildings which have not been kept up nicely.
A city is like a home, it needs tender loving care to keep it up to a good standard.
I, personally, would like to see more improvements done and less of the "sad" side of life in the downtown core.
Perhaps, if people band together and work in harmony for a common cause, some of the problems can be resolved.
I love the idea of an Arts Walk!
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